All is dark, quiet, and still outside.

Nature has drawn in upon itself. Beneath the snow and ice there are stirrings of life unseen to the human eye, but surely known intuitively in our hearts and minds. Life continues in a different form preparing for the sun to return, to bring new energy, strength and power.

What is stirring within you? What has taken refuge deep within your own heart that is stirring, waiting for the Light from your own energy body to nourish it?

Take time out this Solstice to Light up your own Self. Illuminate your dreams and tap into your intuitive power to invite change and growth on the darkest days of the year.

Carefully sequenced restorative poses and meditations will be selected to attend to each energy center, or chakra from Muladhara to Sahasrara, the base of the spine to the crown of the head and beyond. During this time of darkness and stillness we will Light up the room with our own solar power and offer ourselves as beacons of Peace not only for ourselves, but the world.

All Human Beings Welcome.

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