MAKE PEACE YOGA AND WELLNESS STUDIO is offering a 75 minute stretch and stress reduction class throughout the summer.

Let the sun fuel you during the day. Soak it up.  Ride, run, hike, climb, fish, boat, garden . . . do it all and then recover.

Take a break from the go-go-go of Summer fun and spend an evening stretching and resting.  Reset for the next go round of adventure and find balance in body, mind, and spirit.

We will dabble in longer held poses, some yin, some restorative, some deep stretching. Each class will also include breathwork and meditation and end with a restorative pose or two before the sweet surrender into a blissful savasana.

 Props and modifications will be offered so most practitioners will feel confident participating in this healing practice.


$12 drop in fee. 

Punch cards available to purchase at the studio,