Make Peace Yoga is offering a 75 minute 4 week series "Going In With Yin".
A Yin Yoga class uses a handful of yoga poses thoughtfully sequenced to target specific joints in the the body while utilizing  props and time to stress and strengthen fascia and other connective tissues in and around the joints of the ankles, knees, hips, spine, an dshoulders.  Physical sensations are explored in each pose that allow for increased health in the joints and soft tissues of the joints as well as opportunities to observe the subtler aspects of being human.

Throughout each class you will be reminded to keep the 3 principles or tattvas of Yin Yoga in mind:

1. Come into the pose to an appropriate edge.

2. Resolve to remain still.

3. Hold the pose for time.

Some physical benefits of practicing Yin Yoga include, but are not limited to:

  • Improve your range of motion and flexibility
  • Reduced adhesions, which restrict movement between the sliding surfaces of our muscles.
  • Makes our ligaments stronger and thicker through greater collagen production.
  • Keeps our skin younger looking through hydration, which provide room for cells to migrate through the extracellular matrix.
  • Re-establishes the normal lordotic curves in the spine, specifically in the lumbar but also the cervicalspine.
  • Reduces osteopenia and osteoporosis, which are dangerous reductions in bone density.

~Taken from THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO YIN YOGA by Bernie Clark

Yin Yoga is very much a meditation practice as well. By holding our poses for a minimum of 1 minute and up to 15 minutes we have time to explore the emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of being still with one's thoughts and feelings. You will be guided to observe the different sensations without judgement or self criticism, but rather witnessing from a place of loving-kindness.

No experience is necessary. Modifications made to accommodate all levels of practitioners.