• Make Peace Yoga and Wellness (map)
  • 187 Mesquite Lane
  • Stevensville, MT, 59870

Sync with the changes of the season during this 2-hour restorative yogasana and yoga nidra practice. Shift away from the solar powered energy of Summer and slip into a slower, stiller and more peaceful place within the self as the winds of autumn begin to blow. Delight in the intelligently sequenced restorative yoga poses and release the tension of the body and mind into your props and ultimately into the earth. Just as the leaves begin to fall off the trees and are received by the earth you too can you offer your body in this sweet surrender as you witness and transition with the seasons. Rest and restore. Witness and be reminded of your peaceful true nature.

No yoga experience necessary. All props provided by the studio. Please bring a cozy blanket from home to cover in during the yoga nidra practice at the end of class.

Class space is limited. $25 investment for hold your space.