• Make Peace Yoga and Wellness (map)
  • 187 Mesquite Lane
  • Stevensville, MT 59870

Do you start each year off with a new year’s resolution? The intention behind these resolutions are great. Often times they are based upon improving your physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual health, advancing your career, saving money, managing your time better, or perhaps improving personal relationships? Making a resolution is one way to make a positive change in your life. Unfortunately, news sources report that 80% of resolutiuons are forgotten or let go of by mid February each year. And how does that leave you feeling?

If you want a resolution to stick, the key is for it to be heart driven. It takes time and thoughtful presence with one’s self to develop a heart driven resolution. In Yoga we call this a Sankulpa. “The word “Sankulpa’ comes from the combination of san, a connection to the higher Self, and kulpa, a vow or heartfelt intention.  This a sankulpa is deep statement about who we are or vow to be.”  A sankulpa targets our deepest desire, without presupposing how that desire will be fulfilled. These desires are not driven by ego, judgement, guilt, or shame based how we “think” we should be. Rather when we spend time deeply listening our intuition speaks and our true desires are revealed in ways that impact our lives on a daily bases and even lasting for years to come.

In this creative DREAMTIME JOURNEY WORKSHOP a portion of the time will be spent in a physical and meditative yoga practice that will include longer held, reflective poses providing an opening and opportunity to listen deeply for the answer to our questions about what we truly desire for our lives. Images, thoughts, mantras, visions, etc will be recorded in a journal which will then be used as the guide in the development of your Sankulpa.

The inspirations from our reflective practice and journaling will then be transferred onto a creative vision board. Time will be spent listening to music while cutting and pasting, drawing, painting, and writing our dreams on our boards. We gather images that symbolize whatever it is you want to bring into reality. These unique and sacred works of art can be taken home and hung in a place where each day you will see and connect visually with your deepest desires and dreams.

The workshop will conclude with a brief restorative yoga practice that will help integrate these dreams and desires on deep level.

One of my teachers says, “Energy flows where attention goes”. Raise your vibration and manifest your dreams this year in this special workshop.

Props for practice and meditation and materials for vision boarding will be provided. You simply have to show up on your mat with an open heart.



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